Suicide Bombing Connected to MN?
August 06,
2010 Ceegaag Online)

Cup fever turned to carnage in Uganda when apparent
suicide-bombers attacked two outdoor venues showing the
world cup final. A militia in Somalia, with links to Al
Qaeda, claimed responsibility for the bombings.
In the
Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, nicknamed little Mogadishu,
they waited to hear the names of the suicide bombers and
wonder if they'll be from here.
Bbihi should know. His 15-year-old nephew, Burhan hissing,
was one of 24 Minnesota boys and men Al Shabab recruited to
fight in Somalia. One of them, Shirwa Ahmed, became a
suicide bomber.
In fact,
U.S. intelligence has long feared the possibility that one
of the missing American Somalis could return, to carry out a
terrorist attack on American soil. The attacks in Uganda
show Al Shabab has extended its reach beyond Somalia.
It is a fear shared by Mohammed Saleban, a Somali
presidential candidate, campaigning this week in Minnesota.
In many ways his real opponent is Al Shabab. Online, there
are slickly produced videos, designed to appeal to jihadist-wannabes,
mainly alienated westerners.
nephew was killed in Somalia, perhaps becoming an unwilling
recruit. The Uganda attacks make them wonder how many more
young American Somali’s will die, and where.
people were killed in Uganda, including at least one
American. A 14-year-old from Pennsylvania is one of the
Statement from the Somali
Justice Advocacy Center
The Somali Justice Advocacy Center is deeply saddened and
shocked by the suicide bombing and the resulting loss of
innocent lives in Kampala, Uganda. We deplore these cowardly
attacks, and we send our deep condolences to the people of
Uganda and the loved ones of those who has been killed or
injured. Our US citizens and other nationals were also hurt
in those attacks. We reach out and give our deep condolences
to their families and the lived ones.
We want to also express our worries and concern about
possible effects and backlash such horrific and evil deed
could have on the nearly 2 million people of Somali origin
who sought refuge among kind and giving peoples of the
Mohamed Saleban
Somali Presidential Candidate
Together we can save Somalia!!! |