Federalism Plays Lead Role
in Destroying Somalia
December 27,
2010 Ceegaag Online)

Mohamud Shalab
The question that has been lingering through many peoples
brain creates much controversy. Is federalism appropriate
for a poor which institutions are crumbled and forced them
start from scratch country like Somalia? The answer is not
complicated to understand. First lets define federalism; it
is a union of states under a central government distinct
from that of the separate states, who retain certain
individual powers under the central government.
This type of government is suited for a country with such
diverse people that they are able to be broken up into
separate states. They may have different religions,
cultures, or speak different languages.
From 2002-2004 , the 14th NRC (National
Reconciliation Conference) was held in Nairobi, Kenya, to
established the Transitional Federal Government in Somalia.
The transitional Federal government was supposed to set up
an independent Federal Constitution Commission shortly after
they assumed their position in office. However, four years
later it hasn't even been discussed publicly let alone
There are multiple obstacles in the way of Somalia having a
stable government. The neighboring countries such as Kenya,
and Ethiopia are great examples. It seems that these
countries don't want Somalia to up rise from their
misfortune and regain their pride as a nation. The reason
may be because Ethiopia is Land locked, so having the upper
hand over Somalia could give them control over the sea also
many Somali business people Invested their money in these
countries, so if those people realize Somalia is in relative
peace they will want to transfer their businesses back to
their home land. That being said, The most obvious issue
with having a stable government is the destruction and
disorganization cause by the ongoing Civil war. This has
broken down Somalia and its people. It destroyed the
government and resulted in Somalia being ranked below a
third world country. This, of course, urges other countries
to interfere, which is the reason why Somali aid is directly
controlled by foreign governments and agencies, such as the
United Nations. The UN helps Somalia to a certain extent but
most of the money meant to benefit Somalia is spent in
Nairobi. Mainly because the UN agency is set up in that
Before the Civil war and all the destruction, Somalia used
to have the Unitary system of Government. The Federal system
is what most consider to be the main cause of the fueling
tension and the accelerating mistrust between different
clans in the country. This system of government provided
unequal distribution of wealth and unfair portion of
government support and aid to the general public of Somalia.
In other words, 25% of Somalis were beneficiary 75% were
deprived. For that reason, the grass roots should wake up
and take immediate action upon this issue. The federal
system eventually led to the crisis and the disintegrated
country that we see before us today. Going back to that
similar government system in the dark era of tribalism
(1960) would be like placing yourself in a political trap.
It is truly the only hope Somalia has to switch the federal
system into the Unitary system. This type of government has
one government, one president, and one flag. It allows us
to be united as one nation.
Somalia is an independent country and having countries
interfere with there own issue is belittling. The new Prime
minister Somali-American Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed needs to
reclaim Somalia's solidarity and Unity. In doing so, many
things are required to be amended starting with the
government. There are 500 Members of Parliament and that is
far to much for a country like Somalia because they don't
have a budget big enough for 500 people therefore that
number must be reduced to at least 50. By building
institutional capacity and strengthening parliamentary
oversight to the best interest of the people of Somalia we
can change their lives for a better future.
We must abolish the federal government as well, and all
clans must have equal power sharing. In order to achieve
this goal, the only system that is well suited for a country
like Somalia would be the Unitary System. This type of
system is was used in Africa and it is one way that we can
be sure equal opportunities and equal protection is provided
to all Somali provinces and its people. Although this system
of government may be frowned upon in some nations, it is the
only way that we can ensure that there is no inequality
between different clans. We have to secure the future of the
Somali public while no one has a vested political interest.
Its the only hope we have to a safe and peaceful nation.
Mohamud Shalab

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