Somali Migrants Arrested
December 09,
2010 Ceegaag Online)

The Mozambican police on Monday arrested 108 illegal
migrants, all of them Somali citizens, in the central
province of Zambezia, according to the spokesperson for the
General Command of the police, Pedro Cossa.
Cossa told reporters on Tuesday that the Somalis were
crammed into a truck traveling from the northern city of
Nampula to Chimoio, capital of Manica province. The police
stopped the truck at Chimuara, shortly before the bridge
over the Zambezi river.
Cossa said the truck was accompanied by a light vehicle
driven by a Kenyan, named only as Osman.
"The truck carrying these individuals only moved at
night", added Cossa. "At dawn it would stop, and resume the
journey at night, in an attempt to fool the police".
He assumed that the Somalis had entered Mozambique from
Tanzania, with the assistance of Mozambican and Tanzanian
fishermen who make additional money by ferrying illegal
migrants across the Rovuma river which forms the frontier
between the two countries.
There appears to be an organizing people-smuggling ring
taking Somalis across Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique and
then into South Africa, believed to be their final
The police have had some success in disrupting this
traffic. Thus in early November, the police seized 97
Somalis in Murrupula district, in Nampula, and on 22
November no less than 141 Somalis were arrested, again in
Nampula. This group was traveling in two trucks, hidden
under tarpaulins. Thus in three operations within a month,
346 Somali migrants have been detained. |