Prime Minister’s speech - the University of Rome
(Rome. ITALY,
January 21,
2010 Ceegaag Online)

'Governance and Development of Institutional
Capacity-Building in Somalia'
It is a privilege to address you all at this esteemed
faculty. Thank you Professor Annarita Puglielli, I am
honoured to be invited as a guest speaker by this
prestigious University.
I am pleased that your University is conducting studies
on Somali Language and cultural projects. I hope to see
qualified support for your endeavour by Italian general
public and by the Italian Government.
The relationship between Somalia and Italy is long and
fascinating. But we are all of a new generation and perhaps
our tendency is to look back at those colonial days with a
mixture of anxiety and fondness. Somalis are proud of their
connection with Italy and whilst it is the unavoidable truth
that our country has descended to ruin, and that much of the
Italian legacy has been destroyed, from these ruins, with
your help once again, we can rise and re-form a strong and
forward thinking nation.
We could spend the whole of this time today looking back
through history trying to determine the causes of our
problems, but the truth is that the solutions lie in the
here and now.
We are now almost exactly 20 years since the overthrow of
Said Barre, and the perceived starting point for our current
troubles. In that time Somalia has been wracked by anarchy
and chaos. Almost every Somali has been hurt, physically or
emotionally. There is no one who has not been affected. Our
people are exhausted and desperate. Poverty, fighting and
chaos are exhausting. Our people are surviving on wits and
raw courage.
Mogadishu is not a pretty sight, but I can say to you
that there is a glimmer of hope. For out of those ruins
emerge stories of heroism and people simply determined not
to be defeated. I see a city trying to burst into life and
it is that which inspires me to help.
As I see it, the triggers for our nation’s re-birth are
leadership, security, economics and governance.
We can deal with leadership quickly and simply. My new
government were initially criticised for being too
technocratic and too remote from recent Somali affairs. But
these are our strengths. From the start, the question of
leadership is simple – it is about the people and the
country, not about us. If we lead by example and show we
care in everything we say and do, then slowly others will
follow. If we are incorruptible, then we cannot be twisted
to the agendas of others. We have to apply our technocratic
expertise to the development of process which delivers
resources and support direct to the people.
It will not be an overnight transformation, but with
courage and determination, we can set a new and honourable
standard. We can establish trusted relationships with donors
and the wider international community. Without the ability
to be trusted, we are nothing.
So to that end, we have, within our first month in
office, paid our troops, established an anti-corruption
commission, declared our wealth, implemented a detailed
budget and recorded all state assets. Together they are a
clear statement of a new integrity and leadership.
It has always been necessary for Somalia to demonstrate
leadership and commitment to earn the trust and support of
the world. I am not here to comment on the past, I am here
simply to tell you that this Government is ready to lead the
country out of its current dilemma.
When we consider security, we must acknowledge one simple
thing. Government is hard enough in peaceful, stable
countries. It is next to impossible when you are being
mortared and shot at. So when we say that governance is
dependent upon security, we have good reason. It is not an
excuse. It is a reality. The title of my address today is
'Governance and Development of Institutional
Capacity-Building in Somalia'. Well, there will be no
governance and no institution building without security.
To that end, therefore, we are incredibly grateful for
the support of the African Union and our brothers from
Uganda and Burundi, who provide the AMISOM troops. Somalis
do depend upon their courage and professionalism. It is they
who provide an ever growing secure zone within which
government and society can emerge.
To put things into context, however, it is worth looking
at relative strengths. The current African Union mission,
AMISOM, was initially given 8,000 troops.
Previous interventions in Somalia had much more in terms
of men and equipment available to them. For example, UNOSOM
II, whose mandate was somewhat similar to AMISOM's, had a
strength of 28,000 personnel, including 20,000 troops and
8,000 logistic and civilian staff.
In Iraq, which is roughly two-thirds the size of Somalia,
at the height of the 'surge' the US had nearly 160,000
troops on the ground supported by a further 100,000 deployed
in the region providing theatre-wide support. These troops
were there to give the Iraqis, in the words of President
George W. Bush, “breathing room” to achieve national
This translated to 1 soldier on the ground for every 187
Iraqis. In Somalia, AMISOM is being expected to do much the
same job with a ratio of just 1 soldier to every 1,125
Our forces, with the support of AMISOM, are, however,
winning the security battle. Gradual and incremental though
it may be, the secure space in Mogadishu grows weekly. That
is the nature of urban conflict when protection of civilians
is as important as expelling insurgents. While about 60% of
the city of Mogadishu is now recognisably under TFG control,
80% of the population now live in our areas and this is the
real measure of our success. The people of Mogadishu have
overwhelmingly voted with their feet and moved to the more
secure Government controlled areas of the City.
The additional 4,000 troops mandated to AMISOM, and the
return of 1,000 TFG soldiers from EU funded training in
Uganda, will have a dramatic impact on this process and we
welcome their earliest arrival.
Governance depends upon security, so I make these points
simply to show that if security is delivered at this
minimalist pace, then governance will be equally slow to
recover. You cannot re-seed governance while the garden is
being blown up and the gardeners are been shot at.
Economy and Governance.
Fundamentally, however, we must appreciate that extremism
cannot be defeated by guns and missiles alone. Yes, greater
security capability is required, but it must come within a
holistic regeneration plan. People and communities currently
playing host to Al Shabab must see a government making
progress, offering a credible alternative and leading the
way to peace and prosperity. People must have confidence in
the alternative and they must see the government as
providing all those civil amenities and services that are
currently lacking. An insurgency needs chaos, discontent and
poverty and we must take that away.
The restoration of security can succeed only within an
effective rehabilitation of the nation’s economy. If we are
going to drive people to do something different, they must
be able to see and experience that the alternative is better
for them, their families and their communities.
The choice must never be simply between fighting or being
dependent on the state; the choice must be between fighting
and working. Since the dawn of time, commercial activity and
the prospect of an improving standard of living has driven
societies forward, and that basic premise is no different in
Somalia today.
We do not want years of charity. We do not seek
donations. We seek space for our enterprising population to
return home and establish flourishing businesses as they
have done around the world. We seek people, corporations or
governments ready to play a crucial role in the
reconstruction of our country and the restoration of a
buoyant economy that attracts our people into work, gives
them hope and gives them a future.
Our vision is that we will quickly fledge into a stable
and secure government catering to the needs of our people
and capable of providing services to them. This is
undoubtedly an ambitious vision, especially when you
consider our starting point.
Somalia has lost a generation or more of local political
and government expertise. We certainly need help to
re-educate and train our officials and politicians. It is
our hope that we might forge strong relationships with
Universities, like this one, who can help our emerging
generation to recover the educational standards which we
It may be a low base but with determination and the
support of our old allies and mentors we can return to the
days when Mogadishu was a free and vibrant city and Somalia
was an economic beacon in Africa.
We can show that we have a coherent and transparent
programme for the future and that despite the most difficult
of circumstances, we can lay the foundations for a secure
Our political development will not always be pretty, but
given time within a secure environment and with the support
of the international community to help rebuild our
institutions; Somalis will lead Somalia out of its darkest
Thank you. |