Taariikh Nololeedka Ra'iisal
Wasaaraha Cusub ee Soomaaliya.
(Muqdisho, June 23, 2011
Ceegaag Online)
Summary of Qualifications
Extensive experience in teaching, research, statistics,
growth and development, international political economy,
international economics, Money and Banking, applied
macroeconomics, applied microeconomics, monetary theory and
policy, public choice and public finance.
- Ph.D. in
Economics, January 2000, George Mason University Fairfax, VA
- Concentration: Applied microeconomics, applied
macroeconomics, public finance, public choice, and monetary
- MA in Public Administration, June 1999, Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University Cambridge, MA
- Concentration: Project appraisal and management,
environmental economics, taxation and public finance.
- Certificate in Taxation, June 1999, International Tax
Program, Harvard University Law School Cambridge, MA
- Concentration: Transfer pricing, comparative income
taxation, comparative tax administration, value-added tax,
tax design and tax administration, tax analysis and
revenue forecasting.
- MA in Economics, 1988,
Nashville, TN
- Concentration: Economic development and international
- BA in Economics (highest honors), 1984, Somali National
University Mogadishu, Somalia
Methods and Applications: Institute for Professional
Education, Nov. 12-14, 2001, Arlington, VA
Basic SAS: Software Seminars, Inc, August 21-23rd, 2000,
Richmond, VA
Basic Skills for New Supervisors: Academy for Staff
Development, Sep-Oct. 2000 Richmond, VA.
Public finance and expenditure: International Monetary Fund
Institute, June-August 1989, Washington, DC
Project Management and Evaluation: Management Training and
Development Institute, July 1988, Washington, DC 1
Refereed Publications
In Colombia,
It is All about Institutions, Revista Civilizar de Empresa Y
Economia, Vol. 1, December 2009-June 2010, pp. 23-35.
A sensitivity
analysis approach on the effect of foreign aid on growth,
with (Hodan Isse and Bill Peek), Journal of Applied Business
and Economics, Vol. 10 (3), pp. 97-110, 2009.
How robust is
the effect of foreign aid on growth, with (Hodan Isse and
Bill Peek), Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 20, pp. 4-14, Fall 2009 (Lead Article).
determinants of crime in Virginia: An empirical analysis
(with Bill Peek), forthcoming in Contemporary Issues in
Educational Research, Vol. 2 (4), pp. 1-11, 2009 (Lead
Foreign aid
and free trade and their effect on income: A Panel Analysis
(with Hodan Isse), Journal of Developing Areas, 2007, Vol.
41(1), pp. 127-14.
and charities: The economics of private voluntary aid,
Journal of Business and Economic Research, 2007, Vol. 5 (2),
pp. 73-78.
An empirical
analysis of the determinants of foreign aid: A panel
approach (with Hodan Isse), International Advances in
Economic Research, 2006, Vol. 12 (2), pp. 241-250. Cited by
unvarnished views of a radical economist, Journal of Applied
Management and Entrepreneurship, 2005, Vol. 10 (3), pp.
Fiscal policy
and economic growth: the effect of fiscal volatility,
Journal of Business and Economics Research, 2005, Vol. 3
(5), pp. 17-25.
An empirical
analysis of the effect of aid on growth (With Hodan Isse),
International Advances in Economic Research, 2005, Vol. 11
(1), pp. 1-11, Lead Article. Cited by 6.
Democracy and
durability: empirical analysis and causality test, Atlantic
Economic Journal, 2005, Vol. 33 (1), pp. 105-114.
Is democracy
a prerequisite for political stability? International
Business and Economics Research Journal, October 2004, Vol.
3 (10), pp. 39-47, Won the Best Paper Award.
freedom and the stability of economic policy (with Hodan
Isse), Cato Journal, (Fall 2004), Vol. 24, No. 3, pp.
251-60. Cited by 7
of economic corruption: A cross-country comparison (with
Hodan Isse), Cato Journal, Winter Issue 2003, Vol. 22 (3),
pp. 449-64. Cited by 58
differences as sources of growth differences, Atlantic
Economic Journal, 2003, Vol. 31(4): pp. 348-62. Cited by 16
distortions, economic freedom and growth (with Mark Crain),
Cato Journal, Winter Issue 2002, Vol. 21 (3), pp. 415-26.
Cited by 63 2
regimes, economic freedom, institutions and growth (with
Mark Crain), Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice,
2001, Vol. XIX (1), pp. 3-22, Lead Article. Cited by 13
stability, stable economic policies and growth: an empirical
investigation, Atlantic Economic Journal, March Issue 2001,
Vol. 29, pp. 87-106. Won the 2001 Best Article Award. Cited
by 13
freedom, democracy and growth, Journal of Private
Enterprise, 1997, vol. 13, pp. 1-20, Lead Article. Cited by
Other Publications
policy stability and economic growth among nations, Ph.D.
Dissertation, 1999.
possibility of tax reform program in Somalia, MA Thesis,
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Fiscal Policy
and Economic Growth: Volatility Vs. The Levels, Conference
on Emerging Issues in International Accounting, Padua,
Italy, June 24-26, 2004.
Fiscal Policy
and Economic Growth: The Effect of Fiscal Volatility,
European Applied Business Research Conference, Edinburgh,
Scotland, June 14-18, 2004.
Is Democracy
a Prerequisite for Political Stability? (Won the Best Paper
Award), European Applied Business Research Conference,
Edinburgh, Scotland, June 14-18, 2004.
Conference Presentations
and Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis, Presented at
17th Annual Conference of the American Society of Business
and Behavioral Science, Las Vegas, NV, February 18-21, 2010.
A Sensitivity
Analysis Approach of the Effect of Aid on Growth, presented
at the 65th International Atlantic Economic Conference,
Warsaw, Poland, on April 9-13 200
Foreign Aid,
Poverty, and Growth, presented at the 63rd International
Atlantic Economic Conference, Madrid, Spain, on March 14-18
How Robust is
the Effect on Aid on Growth, presented at the 61st
International Atlantic Economic Conference, Berlin, Germany,
on March 15-19, 2006
Foreign aid
and free Trade and their effect on income: A Panel Analysis,
presented at the 59th International Atlantic Economic
Conference, London, UK, on March 9-13, 2005.
Determinants of Foreign Aid, Presented at The 57th
International Atlantic Economic Conference, Lisbon,
Portugal, on March 10-14, 2004.
differences as sources of growth differences, presented at
the annual meeting of the International Atlantic Economic
Society, Washington, DC, October 10-13, 2002.
of Economic Corruption, Presented at ATLAS 35th Workshop,
Caracas, Venezuela, November 24-26, 1999.
Economic Freedom and Further Research, Presented at the
Economic Freedom Network Annual Conference, Vancouver,
Canada, October 20-21, 1999.
credibility, economic freedom and growth, presented at the
annual meeting of the Association of Private Enterprise
Education in Dallas, TX, April 5-7, 1998.
freedom, institutions, and growth, presented at the annual
meeting of the Southern Economic Association in Atlanta,
Georgia, November 21-23, 1997.
Other Presentations
Development: Differences and Commonalities among Developing
Countries, Presented at Makerere
Kampala, Uganda, May 13-14, 2009.
and World Trade, Presented at Busoga University, Kampala,
Uganda, May 15, 2009.
Importance of Institutions in Nation Building: A Workshop
for Somali-Nordic Communities, Helsinki, Finland, May 2-3,
Diaspora in North America Changing the American Landscape,
One City at a Time: Challenges, Successes and Setbacks,
Presented at Spanga Tensta, Stadsdel, Sweden, April 29,
The Myth of
Return: Can Education Bridge the Gap Between the Ideal and
the Real, Presented at the Somali European Youth Seminar,
Stockholm, Sweden, April 29-May 5, 2009.
Challenges Facing Somalia: A Voice of America Seminar,
Presented at Voice of America, Washington, DC, February 18,
General Issues and Concepts, Presented at Sergio Arboleda
University, Bogota and Santa Marta, Colombia, March 30-April
5, 2008.
Monetary Policy and Challenges Facing Central Bankers,
Presented at Sergio Arboleda University, Bogota and Santa
Marta, Colombia, March 30-April 5, 2008.
International Economy and Globalization, Presented at Sergio
Arboleda University, Bogota and Santa Marta, Colombia, March
30-April 5, 2008.
Human Rights
and Civil War in Somalia: Stories from a Forgotten Country,
Presented at MIT Amnesty International, Boston, MA, February
15, 2008.
Joel Leff Fellowship of Political Economy, Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University
1996-1998 Bradley Fellowship, Center for Study of Public
Choice, George Mason University
Fellowship, Center for Study of Public Choice, George Mason
Fellowship, Department of Economics, George Mason University
1986-1988 AFGRAD Fellowship, Department of Economics,
Vanderbilt University
Summer Research Grant by the Research Council of Niagara
University on “Inequality and Economic Growth.”
Summer Research Grant by the Research Council of Niagara
University on “Corruption, Economic Growth, and
Environmental Quality: An Empirical Analysis.”
Summer Research Grant by the Research Council of Niagara
University on “Foreign Aid, Poverty and Growth.”
Summer Research Grant by the Research Council of Niagara
University on “How Robust is the Effect of Foreign Aid on
Economic Growth.”
Summer Research Grant by the Research Council of Niagara
University on “An Empirical Analysis of the
of Foreign Aid: A Panel Approach.”
The 2005-2006
Excellence in Research Award, College of Business
Administration, Niagara University, May 2006.
The 2003-2004
Excellence in Research Award, College of Business
Administration, Niagara University, May 2004.
The 2001 Best
Article Award, Atlantic Economic Journal, October 2002.
The Best
Paper Award, European Applied Business Research Conference,
Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2004.
Teaching and Academic Experience 08/20/2003-Present
University, Department of Commerce, Lewiston, NY
Associate Professor of Economics
Taught Advanced Quantitative Methods: The course stresses
practical applications of statistics to business. Topics
covered include factor analysis, nonparametric statistics,
chi square, multiple regression, time series analysis, and
statistical process control. Each student is required to
complete a project using statistics in solving a realistic
business problem.
Taught Managerial Economics: This course is a combined
Microeconomics and Macroeconomic analysis. The microeconomic
component of the course examines decision making by the
individual economic unit, addressing such topics as: demand
and supply, price and output determination, cost behavior,
profit maximization, and competition. The macroeconomic
component examines models to explain: national output,
inflation, and unemployment; and how fiscal and monetary
policies stabilize the economy.
Taught Money and Banking: This course covers the functioning
of the money and banking system and its relationship with
the rest of the economy. The course considers the nature of
money, the markets that allocate money to a variety of uses,
the institutions that create and
control the money stock, the flow of money and how it is
related to employment levels, GDP, inflation and interest
rates, and international financial matters. Much attention
is paid to problems and issues requiring the attention of
policymakers. Special attention is given to the role of the
Federal Reserve System as it affects the economy through the
monetary policy.
Taught Intermediate Microeconomics: This course covers
intermediate level microeconomics theory relevant to
business decision-making. The course is intended to give
students an understanding of the economic environment within
which businesses operate and to help you to learn to use
economics to analyze the reasons for business
decision-making and how economic decisions are generally
Taught Economic Growth and Development: This course
introduce students to the study of the process of modern
economic development. In doing so, it examines how standard
micro-and macro-economic theories apply in the presence of
the market failures and weak formal institutions that
characterize developing countries. In the course of defining
what development is, economists and social scientists use
terms like poverty, inequality, illiteracy, quality of life,
etc. Economic theory provides the fundamentals, a skeleton
that can best serve as the framework for discussions about
economic development. At the completion of this course,
students will have a better understanding of what is meant
by “development.” Students will also be familiar with
several theories of development, and what implications they
have for this important part of the world. Finally, this
course will not focus on any country or region in
particular, but will present the experiences of a number of
countries to illustrate major points.
Taught Global Economics: This course examines the
interdependence of economies to explain macroeconomic
developments in a global context. Models are developed to
explain Gross Domestic Product, unemployment, inflation,
interest rates, exchange rates, and how economic policy at
the national level is impacted by economic policy and
economic conditions abroad. This course examines capital
markets, foreign exchange markets, and labor markets in both
a national and international context. Case studies and
current economic developments are examined in a global
University Cambridge, MA
Teaching Fellow, Harvard Institute for International
Development (HIID)
Assisted the core faculty in teaching the summer executive
program on environmental economics and policy analysis (EEPA).
My assignment was to teach and assist with the research
projects of students taking the methods track (which is
heavy in economic theory and quantitative methods).
Prepared course material for class presentation.
Held after class review sessions and if necessary one-on-one
Graded problem sets, homework assignments and final course
University Cambridge, MA
Teaching fellow, John F. Kennedy School of Government
Assisted the core faculty in teaching a graduate level
course: markets and market failures. The course was
microeconomics applied to policy issues. It applied
microeconomic reasoning to public issues, policies, and
programs. It considered economic incentives and
organizations; models of economic behavior, including
markets, the absence of markets, and interventions in
markets; the price system and how it works; and policy
objectives and instruments.
Prepared course material for class discussion. 6
Held after class review sessions and if necessary one-to-one
Graded problem sets, homework assignments and term papers.
Northern Virginia Community College Alexandria, VA
Adjunct Professor of Economics, Department of Social Science
and Public Service
Taught principles of economics: microeconomics and
macroeconomics. These courses covered a wide range of
economic concepts. The macroeconomic course covered
aggregate economic activity including national income and
output, unemployment, money, and inflation. The
microeconomic course covered economic behavior at the level
of individual households and firms. It presented topics that
include scarcity and choice, demand and supply, production
and cost, and product and factor markets.
Advised students about the course material and other
academic problems.
Demonstrated good and effective teaching methods.
Received outstanding evaluations from students year after
Assisted the department in student data collection,
enrollment analysis and forecasting.
Non-academic Work Experience
Commonwealth of Virginia, Richmond, VA
Research and Forecast Manager
Serve as a Project Manager for preparation of the annual
state responsible inmate admission and population forecasts
using explanatory models, time series models, and simulation
Collect, analyze and organize data for statewide state
responsible population forecast.
Attend policy and Technical forecasting committee meetings,
briefing committees on forecasting issues and methodology.
Develop forecast and present forecast to committee members.
Obtained various Data needed for forecasting, develop and
maintain databases for research needs and create final
forecasting and accuracy reports.
Prepare tables, charts, and written research reports
depicting results of statistical analyses.
Present research findings to various policy makers and
Explain research methods and findings, interpreting findings
in a manner appropriate for particular audiences.
Assist the agency data analysis, interpretation and
presentation to different state agencies.
Produce annual forecasting and prepare monthly accuracy
forecast reports. Coordinate, compile, edit and document the
entire complex forecasting work done by various state
Responsible for the design and implementation of program
evaluation studies.
Serve as Project Manager for preparation of fiscal
legislative impact studies.
Supervise data management activities to ensure database
Member, Technical Advisory Committee of the Secretary of
Public Safety.
Ministry of Finance and Revenue Mogadishu,
Assistant Director, Research and Statistics
Initiated a comprehensive study of
Somalia’s tax
structure, design and administration.
Evaluated the impact of alternative taxes on saving,
investment and income distribution.
Collected data of potential taxpayers to assess tax
capacity, tax arrears and tax gaps.
Forecasted tax revenues using ARIMA modeling, Typical
Taxpayer micro-simulation modeling, and GDP-based
Macro-simulation model.
Forecasted tax revenues and proposed necessary changes to
the Minister.
Proposed a more flexible tax system that is responsive to
taxpayer concerns.
Helped create an efficient and customer friendly tax
Ministry of Finance and Revenue Mogadishu,
Director, Excise Tax Department
Assisted the director in the assessment, supervision, and
the collection of excise tax.
Monitored and motivated employees reach targeted revenues.
Mediated and solved disputes between taxpayers and tax
Facilitated inter-departmental exchange of taxpayer
Helped the director introduce the necessary changes to make
the excise tax system an instrument of stabilization and
resource mobilization.
Consulting Work
Consultant for the UNDP-QUEST program,
Puntland, Somalia
initiative, modelled after the UNDP global initiative of
Transfer of Knowledge Through Expatriate Nationals (TOKTEN),
which encourages expatriate nationals to volunteer their
expertise in the service of their homelands for short
periods of time, proposes to bring the skills of Somali
professionals in the diaspora to Somalia on a short-term,
voluntary basis. By doing so, three major needs are
1.reducing the brain drain
2.supporting lasting peace in Somalia
3.increasing participation of the Somali diaspora in the
creation of a conducive environment for sustainable human
Through the
project, diaspora expertise is infused into the national
development process and assist key service provider
institutions in the social and governance sectors to improve
their efficiency and effectiveness in delivering social
services and building best practices of management. The
duration of deployment of Diaspora experts ranges from 3-12
months and experts are hired and evaluated by the recipient
organization, though paid by UNDP (air fare and living
allowance). In this way, the project contributes to
deploying Somali expertise to Somali organizations utilizing
the unique perspectives, technical skills, cultural
knowledge and sensitivity of Somali professionals from the
diaspora, thus reducing the dependency on international
experts in development programs and Somali institutions.
Under this program, I taught economics at Puntland State
University in Garowe, Somalia. I also provided lectures to
the faculty of business administration through the training
of the trainers program. Helped also the university on
curriculum development.
Somalia Nairobi, Kenya
Consultant for the Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) on Fiscal
Framework in the Macroeconomic Cluster
The Economic Policy (EP) Cluster within the Joint Needs
Assessment (JNA) had the overall responsibility to assess
economic policy and management in Somalia. The EP Cluster is
divided into 6 sub-clusters (Stability and Growth; Public
Financial Management; Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations;
Civil Service Institutions; Monetary Policy and Financial
Institutions; Data Development). Assessing the fiscal
framework needed in
for growth and stability is an integral part of the sub
cluster on Stability and Growth. 8
Undertook an in-depth assessment of the existing fiscal
framework and other financing structures: Budgets for
development plans, User fees for schooling, health service,
etc. and other financing structures in Somalia
Assessed the scope for increasing taxation in Somalia
(including forecast of public revenue annually for
2007-2011), built on a review of the effectiveness of
existing taxation, the effectiveness of user fees and other
financing structures currently in use in Somalia, and a
proposal for JNA financing 2007-2011, and the current
pro-poor and non-JNA expenditures, and a suggestion of the
amount of necessary expenditures outside of JNA.
Assessed the possibility of designing a tax system that is
both efficient and equitable; a tax system that is
responsive and conducive to economic activity in
a tax system that is simple and taxpayer friendly.
We put together a framework for a tax system that is both
economically and politically feasible but also easy to
Assessed the need to establish a tax code that is simple and
transparent; a tax code conducive to resource mobilization
both foreign direct investment and domestic revenue
Assessed the revenue generating capacity; total tax-GDP
ratio; and the potential tax base vs. actual tax collections
(tax gaps).
Assessed tax gaps and proposed solutions and addressed the
issue of fiscal federalism.
Assessed the need for implementing a tax analysis and
revenue forecasting system to assure that the budget is
based on a predictable and reliable revenue data.
Person for the African Economic Research Consortium Nairobi,
Reviewed new PhD thesis proposals for students in
degree-awarding universities in Africa entailing an
assessment of the clarity of the research problem,
familiarity with relevant literature, soundness of the
conceptual framework and methodology, clarity of the
proposal, soundness of the statement of the problem and
project design, contribution to knowledge and articulation
of methods used to arrive at various conclusions in the
works. We also assess the technical feasibility of the
project consistent with a 12-month research cycle, and
likely usefulness of the research in informing policy.
Help students undertake a good research so the students will
know what data to collect, what method(s) is/are to be used
in data collection and analysis, and seminal and other
important literature to be consulted in, say, sample
designs, gathering data, or writing the thesis. Our guidance
will also assist supervisors in overseeing the preparations
of thesis by students.
Resource persons are also expected to write down critical
points on the theses proposals and/or papers—points that
will form the resource persons’ critical reports on the
theses. These reports are then submitted to the Manager of
the program for onward feedback in writing to the concerned
students and supervisors. Among other things, the report
covers whether the thesis proposal or paper is satisfactory
and can lead to a good thesis (a distinct contribution to
knowledge); what specific changes (if any) need to be made
to improve the thesis research the student is to carry out
(or has carried out); and in the case of any thesis proposal
or paper that we assess as ‘unsatisfactory’, what are the
revisions required so as to shape the future presentations
by the students.
Special Skills
Skills: English, Arabic, Italian, and Somali. 9
Computer Skills:
Access, Lotus, Excel, Shazam, Eviews, SAS, SPSS, and Stata.
Membership American Economic Association, Southern Economic
Association, Atlantic Economic Society, Public Choice
Society, and the Association of Private Enterprise
Personal Dynamic, organized and detail oriented with strong
motivational and supervisory skills. Project management and
evaluation experience.
Traveled throughout
Europe, Middle East and USA.
Jack Helmuth, Former Dean
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 810-762-3164 end_of_the_skype_highlightingjhelmuth@umflint.edu
Professor Dan
Tompkins, Dept. Chairman
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 716-286-8157 end_of_the_skype_highlightingdlt@niagara.edu
Professor W.
Mark Crain Dissertation Director
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 610-330-5315 end_of_the_skype_highlightingcrainm@lafayette.edu
Walter E. Williams Professor
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 703-993-1148 end_of_the_skype_highlightingwwilliam@gmu.edu
David Ellwood Supervisor at Harvard
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 617-495-1121 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
