Qudbadii uu ka jeediyaya Ra’iisul Wasaare Dr.
Cabdiweli Shirkii Saxiixayaasha Roadmap-ka oo shalay
Gelinkii dambe ka furmay Magaalada Nairobi.
(Nayrobi, June 21, 2012, Ceegaag Online)

Waan ka
cudurdaarananaa inaanan turjumin balse waanu turjumanaa...................
H.E. Dr. Abdiweli Mohamed Ali
Opening Statement at
The Principals Meeting of June 20, 2012
Good morning,
H.E. President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed,
H.E. the Speaker, Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden,
President Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud of Puntland State
President Ahmed Alin of
Hon. Mohamed Mohamud Yusuf of Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a
H.E. Dr. Augustine Mahiga of UNPOS
Our hosts, [the esteemed representatives of the Kenyan
Ambassadors, Distinguished participants, ladies and
First, let me thank UNPOS for facilitating this meeting. I
would also like to extend my personal appreciation to my
colleagues and fellow
Road Map
signatories for being committed enough and willing enough to
meet again just one month after our last meeting in
Addis Ababa.
During the past 10 months, we have resolved and bridged many
differences together and in the process demonstrated to the
world that we are serious about contributing to lasting
peace in
This is also evidence of our collective resolve to
successfully complete the Road Map process which we signed
onto on September 6, 2011. I am pleased to report that we
are on target on most benchmarks of the Road map:
The security situation in Somalia continues to improve.
Immediately after our Addis meeting, Somali and·
AMISOM forces liberated Afgoye on May 25.
Concerted efforts·
continue in newly
recovered areas of South Central to build local
administrations and restore basic services.
In Istanbul, the world community committed to supporting the
rebuilding and strengthening of the Somali security sector
to eventually be capable enough to take over from the brave
AMISOM forces.
On the constitutional front, significant
steps have been
made in the last month since Addis:
I will break the good news that the draft constitution is
complete and ready for review by the general public and also
ready for deliberation and adoption by the proposed
Constituent Assembly scheduled to stand up the first week of
July 2012.
Additionally, my colleagues and I will at the conclusion of
this meeting announce the establishment of the technical
selection committee. It is the legal body that will be in
charge of vetting and receiving the names of the members of
the Constituent assembly and also the members of the next
In the meantime, we should continue resolving the legitimacy
issues centered around the 5% of the elders that are being
questioned. This issue is very crucial and if left
unresolved will taint the process and also will cloud the
legitimacy of the next parliament. We should not take this
lightly. But we must nevertheless move on.
Next week, the real mechanics of ending the transition must
start with a two
track and parallel but complimentary processes:
1. the dissemination of the draft constitution to the public
in general and to the elders in particular and the beginning
of community wide civic
education through
public engagement and throughout media outlets.
2. The second track is early submission of the members of
the 825 CA members by the elders, preferably in the next few
Excellencies, it must be understood that even though the
draft constitution has been completed, this does not in any
way mean the end of the constitutional making process. 3
As that the famous
American legal
dictum holds “A
constitution is a living tree”. I whole
heartedly agree with this dictum and believe it will be case
Somalia. Our draft constitution will go through the
Constructional Assembly for further deliberation review. The
next parliament will also have the chance to engage in a
formal constitutional review process until it is submitted
to the general public for a referendum. This will be a long
process that will set in National dialogue and conversation
on constitutionalism.
We must move forward and prioritize and also pay attention
to the timelines.
Ladies and gentlemen – it is clear to me that as
Signatories, we are unified on the principles and
commitments that we have collectively made. The problems
arise in the implementation – in the practical details, in
the logistics, in making the wheels move forward.
As the executive arm of government, my ministers and I are
acutely aware of these implementation blockages.
We are also here to remind us, though none of us need
reminding, that we have only 60 days to August 20. We cannot
afford any more delays, or else we risk facing a
constitutional crisis in August.
We must speed up the process, and for this we need three
1. Political commitment on the Somali side
2. Resource commitment and disbursement on the international
side, and
3. Massive effort and push to accomplish logistical miracles
on both sides.
Once again, I want to thank you all for the months we have
had working together, let us finish the important tasks
ahead of us. We have raised the expectations of the Somali
people, we must not let them down.
Abdinor Abdikadir Mohamed(Daacad)
Deputy of Communication Director, office of the PM
Mobile: +252-615
Mogadishu, Somalia
