The doomed attempt to setup a treacherous, secessionist state in the Somali North in order to trigger the division and dissolution of Somalia is not only immoral, inhuman and evil. It is also impossible. It took only 17 years to prove that, despite an overwhelming campaign, the Somalis are not ready to forget the 4-millennia long illustrious past of their country. As this is so for all Somalis, any effort to setup breakaway establishments like Somaliland and Puntland would simply lead beforehand to failure.

The passive, submissive and un-Somali nature of these precarious pseudo-establishments heralds by itself their end. The insignificant scribers of the Somaliland's tyrant Riyale, the likes of Ali Sabeyse and Abdulazez Al Motairi, who get their salaries from the unrepresentative pseudo-embassy of Abyssinia at Hargeysa, cannot understand that their boss will soon collapse and they will face a trial for High Treason.

Similarly, the protagonists of the impossible affair 'Somaliland' - namely Riyale, Zenawi, Ass. Secretary Jendayi Frazer, and the inimitable pseudo-scholar Peter Pham, the Hater of Africa - fail to realize the inexorable force against which they farcically try to act.

Somaliland has no future, not because it is a secessionist state, but mainly because it is a deeply anti-Somnali and totally un-Somali state. Who could believe that a secessionist Italian state could exist, let's say in Venice, if it denied all the fundamental elements of Italian civilization? And what do Ass. Secretary Jendayi Frazer and Peter Pham know of Somalia? Nothing.

At this point, I am convinced that I have to give space to Mr. Ibrahim Adam Ghalib, Somali from Somaliland, who published an insightful article on Somaliland's disintegration a few days ago. The insightful article is one more answer – slap on the face of the immoral and shameful Messrs. Sabeyse and Al Motairi who accused me of ´immorality´ and ´ignorance´ a few weeks ago.

Somaliland is disintegrating and there is no country to save the criminal gangster Riyale, the cruel boss of Messrs. Sabeyse and Al Motairi. The best for them would be to repent, denounce their shameful attitudes, and join forces with ARS, the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia, which is the rising force of Somalia's most profound wishes.

Mr. Ibrahim Adam Ghalib's article, republished here integrally, describes Somaliland in a most accurate way: 'An Organized Disorganization'. This says it all.

An Organized Disorganization

By Ibrahim Adam Ghalib

Somaliland is experiencing the worst crisis of governance today. The cause of this crisis is not the constitution but it is an organized disorganization. The Administration failed to bring the people together on a common cause. The centralized centered institutions of Somaliland today are not meeting the challenges of good governance and the democratic principles. The democratically elected Administration failed to move the democratic process forward and any equitable change.

The problem of Somaliland is lack of independent judiciary and that is why every body is interpreting the same law the way he likes. The judges are not appointed on merit but on politics and the people lost confidence in the courts. The people cannot be governed today the way they were governed before. The people do not want to be governed by their government beyond the rule of law and participatory decision making.

Breaches of the law and abuses of power by the administration contributed to the feeling that the individuals in the government are above the law. To address the issue of corruption and patronage politics fell in deaf ears. If clan preference and power continue on these ethnic lines and the meager resources continue to be misused then tensions and conflicts are inevitable.

The people of Awdal are the worst hit. We have been deprived of our rights individually and collectively. The power and the resources are not regulated fairly among the community. In Awdal the people cannot even manage their own lives and are bitterly divided today. The Administration claim to be democratic but the opposite is true and if this continues the possibility of post conflict re-emerging is real.

The opposition parties are not united and they follow different agendas and that is why they could not influence the ruling party leaders to be more responsive. The critical of all is that they do not have financial resources of their own to move issues forward. This made them an easy target for the government to easily manipulate them.

The parliament which could have made the check and balance is met by stiff resistance from the state and could not move any agenda through and unless the government changes the politicization of the decision making any meaningful contribution by the parliament will be very limited.

The house of elders (Guurti) that was the architect and sustainer of Somaliland in the past started to safeguard their interests. This began when the administration forwarded a controversial 4 year extension for them and single handedly approved by the Guurti. Now they follow the policy of scratch my back and I will scratch yours with the administration.

Now the present crisis has been orchestrated by the house of elders to show a sign of solidarity with the administration. They knew that the national election commission and the political parties including the ruling party with the assistance of the academy for peace and development agreed on consensus to postpone the elections to October and December 2008 respectively.

It is very sad to report here that pistols were raised in the Guurti house before yesterday. This is not a sign of courage or wisdom. I am sorry to say that this is a sign of ignorance. This shows that there is a vacuum when Sheikh Ibrahim sh. Madder and Sh Musa Jama Godad passed away and Sh. Abdillahi Sh. Ali Jawhar left the institution. Now only Abdi Waraabe is there and cannot do the job alone.

The years of conflict eroded the traditional systems of managing resources and resolving conflicts. The natural resources is dwindling and pose a great threat to our people and is extending poverty through out. Forests in the country have been destroyed en masse to supply charcoal. The resource conflicts have caused may deaths and the government failed to even alert the private sector to invest in alternative energy. All efforts to persuade the government not to levy the gas failed. Because of this the livestock is also dwindling.

Charcoal is the source of fuel and hardly any forest cover remains. Somaliland looses 2 million trees per year. Land is a vital resource that both agriculture and pastoralists depend on for growing crops and grazing animals. Today even the subsistence farming is not there. The land has been degraded and do not produce any thing.

The food prices is rising tremendously world wide. There is a long drought and no rains so far. The condition in the country is deteriorating. While the situation is like this the government started to levy the food stuff by 50 percent and new political crisis have been instigated. This is a shame and God help this poor people.

The people are the ultimate resources if guided properly. Improvement in education, health and nutrition allow them to better use of resources. The real threats to sustainable use of resources come from the irregularities in people's access to resources. Our resources can be safeguarded if the administration changes attitude and build public institutions and forward and equitable change.

Where do the people that elected these people stand today? Our people do not know that they the power that elected these people and can change their behavior. The civic leaders of the country have to move to advocate for the people peacefully. They must change the attitude of being apolitical. The supporter of the government and the opposition alike should unite and save the country from this chaos that is reigning. They must mobilize themselves peacefully and bring the politician to the round table. The milk of peace is sweat and nobody should derail it.

Ibrahim Adam Ghalib – Borama, Awdal



Picture: Somaliland's Riyale wants his 'citizens' to be in similar conditions.