shebekada wararka ee ceegaag waxay idiinku baaqaysaa wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee dalka iyo debedaba 

A Proposal of Customer-Society-Riba-Free Centred Business Culture Based on CRM-SCM Systems at Global Level

(Sana'a Yeman, November 26,  2008 Ceegaag Online)


Abdurahman Hussein Mohamed Islaam


60th Street, Sakanu Dullaab , Sana'a, Yemen

Tel: 967 713580329, Email:




This proposal concerns examining the possible level of utilizing the digital century to run Riba/interest free profitable businesses globally centred on customer value and satisfaction and societal

responsibility by applying modern CRM-SCM Systems as well as free trade friendly national and international regulations and treaties. This issue is necessitated by the importance of customer and society orientation in world trade and business in the wake of Bankruptcies of Giants in consumer vigilance and a digital century.  Global Riba-Free trade and finance on IT's Societal oriented CRM & SCM Systems would pull the world from the current financial crisis Allah Willing.




CRM: An Instrument of Great Value

SCM: An Applicable Social Power

Riba/Interest: An Overlooked World enemy

Riba/Interest Free Economy and Finance worldwide

Current World Financial Crisis

Conference on Integrating/ merging IT (CRM, SCM) and   Riba-Free Economy and Finance  in one




The objective of this paper is to propose a separate IT conference on the possibility of merging the above three Keywords: CRM (Customer Relationship Management), SCM (Societal/Social Care Management and Riba/Interest Free Global Economy and Finance in order to save the world from

the kind of crisis and chaos it is now in. The point is to have an objective of establishing a centralised

international management system based on the three systems stated above ( and IT in general) with its own international organization, for instance, a union of the world Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Islamic Development Bank, World Trade Organization, etc. The paper which is to be presented to the International Conference on IT 09 will present an updated accounts on CRM, SCM and Riba/Interest Free Economy and Finance and the current level of Islamic Finance Industry in the world today. In this regard, the paper will also touch the current international financial crisis and shall try to submit documented recommendations in the conclusion, Allah Willing.


1.1  Methodology


Since both the secondary data and the primary data that are being used in this paper  are available literature on the internet and e-libraries like OUM digital Library only qualitative methodology and descriptive/causal instruments are being used. As this is an applied preliminary study, descriptive and causal techniques are combined to achieve all desired objectives of the study.


1.2 Brief Descriptions of the Keywords


1.2.1 CRM


CRM is an effort by enterprises aimed at attempting  to retain profitable customers while focusing on building long-term and sustainable relationships with the customer. The objective of this is to add for both the company and the customer. However there are many definitions of CRM due to its being new and still under definition (Turban et al., 2008) [1]


Customer Relationship Management is a central and determining matter and in summary  one of the biggest challenges  companies are currently facing is  not only to deliver more sophisticated sales and service capability, but they also have to deliver and manage these capabilities more quickly and cost-effectively.  Earlier approaches of managing CRM are out-dated now. The prediction is that  companies would have to  avoid losing revenues  and share with each passing year by settling for making incremental improvements to current capabilities (Freeland,) [2]


In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Step by Step CRM software is presented with what CRM has come through and its importance now.  It is stated that Every successful organization relies on its customer base to sell products or services. Businesses that want to track and manage all of the various interactions with their customers shall have to deploy frequently a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software system such as, infact has to be,  CRM system which enables  organizations to a Achieve a 360-degree view of the customer relationship. They can automate common business processes to reduce manual tasks and common workflows and can deliver a more consistent customer experience by streamlining customer interactions. CRM can enable executives to measure and report on key metrics related to their business so they can make better business and strategy decisions, (Synder et al., 2009) [3]



Now having  defined CRM briefly let us see the amazing development made by the science, ISD and IT, which CRM is a part of, especially the massive software sections of ISD and IT. SE IT Lab reports on the following Conference on ISD as part of IT,

from August 25-27, 2008 The 17th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2008) was hosted by the Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus  at Paphos, Cypru and the theme of the conference was"Towards a Service-Provision Society".

It included tracks on Information Systems Engineering & Management, Business Systems Analysis & Design, Intelligent Information Systems, Agile and High-Speed Systems Development Methods, Enterprise Systems Development & Adoption, Public Information Systems Development, Information Systems Development Education, Information Systems Development in Developing Nations, Legal and Administrative Aspects of Information Systems Development, Information Systems Research Methodologies, Service-Oriented Analysis and Design of Information Systems, IT Service Management, Philosophical and Theoretical Issues in Information Systems Development, Model-driven Engineering in Information Systems Development and Human Computer Interaction (HCI) in Information Systems Development. [4]

The hardware side development is equally amazing and almost needless to attempt to present it in detail. This is what made CRM so developed to an extent that it should be combined with other equally highly developed sciences and concepts such as SCM/SRM (Social Care Management/ Social Responsibility Management and Riba/Interest Free Global Economy and Finance to safe the world from the danger of war from the Almighty.

One can see how for example only CRM has developed and has become nearly a separate, independent major subject by having a look at only a few of the vast topics which IT TOOLBOX Knowledge Base specializes in, indicating  that so many sources defines and provide services in many different  branch es.


Analytical CRM is defined as an  Analytical CRM which applies Business Intelligence and reporting methodologies such as data mining and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) to CRM applications.



Business Intelligence, financial Services and Major Applications of Business Intelligence Software in the Financial and Service Industry have made tremendous progress and due to the  vast range of customers and customer needs, changing regulations and growing fraud threats, financial services, companies need information management solutions that will allow them to make smart decisions.


 Data Service has made a breakthrough technology for the information management market. Data Services unifies market-leading data quality and integration into one platform - enabling organizations to move, transform and improve any type of data anywhere, at any frequency. It provides one development, runtime, management, security, and data connectivity environment


Reports, Plans and Delivering Metrics for Marketing

have  become possible because of the  critical role  IT can play by providing Marketing with timely information in areas such as competitive risk, customer demand and profit potential.  Organizations have to learn, and in fact did,  how IT can help deliver critical business information for Marketing resulting in less guesswork, greater customer value and greater return on investment. [5]



1.2.2 SCM: Social/Societal Care Management

SCM is equally central and it must be attached to CRM since one is at individual level while the other is at the community level. Caring for the buyer without caring for the community will not be logical since the small group customers of the the company would not make a surviving market for the company. That is way companies should have one comprehensive strategy for CRM-SCM and also that this has to be attached to "Social responsibility"

Which is defined as an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether is is an governmental, organizaitonal or individual has a respnsibility to society but this responsibility can be negative. This responsibility rests on the shoulders of all entities whether, business, government practices, activist groups and local communities on equal degree.

1.2.3 Riba/Interest: An OverlookedWorld Enemy  

 Riba is best defined by the Holly Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet Mohamed (PBUH)

         What is Islamic finance?

Islamic Finance is an interest-free economic and financial System which places equal emphasis on the ethical, moral, social, and religious dimensions, to enhance equality and fairness for the good of society as a whole. The system can be fully appreciated only in the context of Islam's teachings on the work, ethic, wealth distribution, social and economic justice, and the role of the state.

So, What is Interest/Riba?

Sheikh Ahmed Sahid, one of the Ulama in Bosaso, gives the following answer to this question:

"Definition of Interest: The literal meaning of interest or Al-RIBA as it is used in the Arabic language means to excess or increase. In the Islamic terminology interest refers to several meanings, these include: -

Blocked image       Effortless profit or that profit which comes free from compensation

Blocked image       Extra earning obtained that is free of exchange.

Definition: "Riba` is a loan with the condition that the borrower will return to the lender more than and better than the quantity borrowed."

Prohibition of Riba.

The definition of interest has already been mentioned as well as that it is prohibited. If we explore the Qur'an we will come across at least four places where Allah has mentioned interest.


Qur'anic Verses

May be the first revelation talking about Riba was the verse in Surah Al-room (39). Surah al room is 30srd surah in the chronological order of the Quraan revelation and its a Mecan surah. This shows that Quraan started talking about the Riba even when there was no legislation or rules existing in that stage of Mecca except some forms of worshiping and salat.

However, this verse indicates that Riba is not blessed deed, and comparing to Zakat Allah increases and multiplies the charity.

وماءآتينم من ربا ليربو في اموال الناس فلا يربو عندالله، وما ءآتيتم من زكاة تريدون وجه الله فأولئك هم المضعفون(39)

"That which you give in usury for increase through the property of people will have no increase with Allah: but that which you give for charity seeking the countenance of Allah, it is these who will get a recompense multiplied."

The first one is in Surah Al-baqarah verse no.275

الله البيع وحرم الربا فمن جاءه موعظة من ربه فانتهى فله ما سلف وأمره إلى الله ومن عاد فأولئك أصحاب النار هم فيها خالدون(275)"

"Those who devour usury will not stand except as stands one whom the Satan by his touch has driven to madness. That is because they say, "trade is like usury", but Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden usury",

1.                   In the next verse 276 in the same place He says,

"يمحق الله الربا ويربي  الصدقات والله لا يحب كل كفار أثيم(276)"

"Allah will deprive usury of all blessing, and will give increase for deeds of charity, for he does not love any ungrateful sinner."

2.                   Two verses later in verse 278 He says,

"يا أيها الذين أمنوا اتقوا الله وذروا ما بقي من الربا إن كنتم مؤمنين(278)"

"فإن لم تفعلوا فأذنوا بحرب من الله ورسوله وأن تبتم فلكم رءوس أموالكم لا تظلمون ولا تُظلمون(279)"

"Oh you who believe! Fear Allah and give up what remains of your demand for usury if you are indeed believers."

Narrations of the Prophet PBOH

عن جابر قال:

>>لعن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم آكل الربا، ونوكله، وكاتبه، وشاهديه، وقال هم سواء<<

                                                                                                                                   صحيح مسلم

1)       Jabir bin Abdillah Radiyallahu anhu has reported that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihe wasallm cursed the devourer of usury, its payer, its scribe and its two witnesses. He also said that they were equal (in sin).

Declaration of War

The Holy Qur'aan states:

"يا أيها الذين أمنوا اتقوا الله وذروا ما بقي من الربا إن كنتم مؤمنين(278)"

"فإن لم تفعلوا فأذنوا بحرب من الله ورسوله وأن تبتم فلكم رءوس أموالكم لا تظلمون ولا تُظلمون"(279)

 "O' you who believe, fear Allah and give up what remains of your demand for usury, if you are indeed believers. If you do not abstain take notice of war from Allah and His Rasul."

What greater threat could there be than the declaration of war by Allah and his Rasul? Allah does not fight with armaments, the wrath of Allah descends in ways that are impossible to oppose or avert. Murder, fear, crime, bankruptcy, are but some of the missiles that suddenly shatter our lives when Allah declares war against us. The prophet  (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "When usury and fornication appear in a community, the people of that community render themselves deserving of the punishment of Allah." In another Hadeeth, the prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) has said: "Allah has cursed the one who takes interest, the one who pays it, the one who writes the contract and the one who witnesses the contract".

Islamic Solutions

Islam has a concrete solution for Interest and Usury, which if someone would obey and practice would be rather enough.

In this context Mohammad Nejatullah Siddiqi says: -

Islamic economics research has shown that the economic system can function without interest. A system using profit-sharing modes where possible and trade based modes, e.g. murabaha, leasing, etc. where necessary, will be more equitable, more efficient and more stable than the current interest based system.


In the case of consumption loans, if it is for food, drinks, clothing, etc. necessary for survival, charging interest violates the nature of social life which requires cooperation, care and help of the needy by the well to do. If the loan is for consumer durables aiming at increase in efficiency, murabaha provides a safer, better way of financing than interest based lending.


And instead of using interest based business, Islam has its own economic principles which all culminate in the welfare of both the entrepreneur and the wealthy  as same.

No effortless profit reaping and no unfair loss bearing".


1.2.4 Riba/Interest Free Economy and Finance     worldwide


The definition of this can best be the definition of Islamic Finance and it is in short the opening of the definition of Riba above:

Islamic Finance is an interest-free economic and financial System which places equal emphasis on the ethical, moral, social, and religious dimensions, to enhance equality and fairness for the good of society as a whole. The system can be fully appreciated only in the context of Islam's teachings on the work, ethic, wealth distribution, social and economic justice, and the role of the state.


As for Islamic Finance Industry update, it has no doubt become a global industry  so much that for example London is emerging as the key centre for Islamic finance outside of the Middle East as financial institutions clamber to become part of a growing market while every other major city in the world has so many major banks that are either Islamic banks or have several products and/or windows. Published updates from November estimate that Islamic banking alone manages funds up to $200 billion. And it is predicted that it will hit the trillion dollars by the year 2010 as it increases by up to 15 percent a year.


There is no doubt as well, according to Islamic academics and clerics, that the  fast growing Sharia financial system may receive a further boost as an alternative to capitalism amid the credit crunch and banking crisis.


1.2.5 Current World Economic and Financial



Much effort is not needed to elaborate the magnitude of this crisis for two reasons. First, it has been on top of the news hour in number of months. Secondly, every one's pocket has felt it severely. So many stock markets have been closed for some time and up to now each online edition of the media is reporting both falling rates and shut down markets, banks, giant companies of many types, uncontrollable commodity prices, collapsed communities and summits of Heads of States the latest of which being the Apec and the one scheduled in Doha, Qatar – WTO – which will also be used for the crisis. After all these summits so far there is no solution to the problem. This has become more dangerous for the world than terrorism! Why? Because the threat of terrorism is coming from few small human groups, or if too big, a couple of countries according to specialists, while the threat of economic and financial crisis and thus destruction of life on Earth comes from the Almighty Allah (or do you call God ) because of the prohibited Riba/Interest. Perhaps, terrorism is   simply one of the punishments of Allah because of the Riba and we thus ought to put combating Riba first then terrorism. Moslems believe this for sure and some clerics have voiced it, that is, all global crisis and lack of security are due to Riba/Interest. It is therefore time we should consider a common solution for the globalised village and study the proposal given just below.


1.2.6 Conference on Integrating/Merging IT  

(especially CRM & SCM) and Riba/Interest Free Economy and Finance for the safety of Planet Earth


As the term "Digital Century" has been used above, one may argue that the current standard of IT has globalized the world or, in other words, made the world a small village. Though there can be many proves for such argument, the latest exhibition of this is the current global economic and financial crisis chaos. The term

" All Economies or markets" has become nearly none existent and it turned out that the right term is "World's Unitary Economy or Market" since each spot or so called market feels each touch with the other markets or spots. Why? What makes so connected at so high speeds? The answer is easy. It is IT and the natural fact that matters

are inter-connected worldwide. Therefore, there can be a feeling that IT has become a World Power that should be used to the advantage of Man in cooperation and on equal footing and contribution.  Another major point is that, since now all have seen the high degree of international inter-dependence, the safest economic and financial systems have to be taken unanimously in the common interest of Man regardless of who puts it forward or practiced more than others. By this is meant, Islamic finance, which has been developing at as high speeds as IT, is believed by more than one point two (1.2) billion people that it is the solution to the common problems since Allah vowed with WAR on Riba and who practices. And when the WAR OF ALLAH Comes, it will not harm only those who practiced (paid and took) but the entire globalised village will suffer as what is happening now (see again  1.2.4 and 1.2.5 above).




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Considering the high level development of CRM, SCM,

SRM, IT in general,  the undividedness of the  globalised village and the undefendable declaration of WAR by the Almighty Allaah due to Riba/Interest it is strongly recommended that this current International Conference on IT 09 debates on and further puts forward that there should be a separate International conference on Integrating and/or combining  the above stated sections of IT and the Islamic teachings of Riba Free economy and finance for the safety and prosperity of planet Earth.


As stated above, the world has to great an international body for globalised, IT-based (CRM+Society Focused) and Riba/Interest Free Economic and Financial Management. This is not only needed for the future but it is needed urgently to solve the current Riba created economic and financial global disaster.


The consumer vigilance stated in the Keywords above makes all sources to rethink and expand their focus areas and/or priorities. This is well documented point as a CRM Group UK, London, Roderick J. Brodie, University of Aukland expresses in the Abstract of a Paper published in the Journal of Service Research [6].

The title of  the Paper is "Transforming a Public Service Organization from inside Out to Outside in ,The Case of Auckland City, New Zealand" and explain that as

competition intensified  and customers become more vigilant and  demanding, service organizations are recognizing that they have  to become more market oriented which means that they should be broader society centered. They present and elegant term which organizations need to apply be guided by:  "outside-in" as opposed to "insideout" processes despite the fact that the pace of development is a problem, that is, the speed at which the necessary frameworks are developing by DAY.

A Paper titled " Issues and Perspectives n Customer relationship Management" by Ramaseshah, B. (et al.) [6] at Curtin University of Technology and other universities [6] presents and a  term which is very relevant and supporting for the proposal by the current Paper. The term is "Global CRM (GCRM)" which defined as the  strategic application of the processes and practices of CRM by companies that  operate in a number of  countries or by firms that serve international  customers while naturally maximizing customer valure and statisfactions. The authors in fact advocate for benefiting internationally from IT/CRM by presenting an overview of the GCRM environment indicating the challenges in formulation and implementation of CRM across national boundaries as a source of sustained advantage.

 It is these kind of thoughts that have to be expanded and globalized in the interest of Earth, uniting the public and private sectors, seeing the BUYER and the SOCIETY  as ONE and thus creating centralized, Riba Free global ECONOMY AND FINANCE being facilitated by IT by the APPROVAL OF THE ALMIGHT ALLAAH for avoiding RIBA/INTEREST, something which is possible by uniting the World Bank, the International monetary Fund, the Islamic  Development Bank, the World Trade Organization etc. and supported by strong and well experienced economic and financial world wide institutions such as central banks epecially the leading ones in Islamic Finance such as the Malaysian, Indonisian and Middle Eastern central banks.




[1] Turban et al. (2008). Information Technology Management, John Wiley & Sons

[2] Frleeland, John G. (2003).  The Ultimate CRM Handbook, McGraw Hill

[3] Microsoft Dyanmics CRM 4.0 Step by Step  (2009),


[4]  ISD (2008) WEBSITE


[6] Journal of Service Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, 50-59 (2001) DOI: 10.1177/109467050141005