shebekada wararka ee ceegaag waxay idiinku baaqaysaa wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee dalka iyo debedaba 



(Kenya, October 12,  2008 Ceegaag Online)

Wargeyska caanka ah ee ka soo baxa Kenya, DAILY NATION oo soo bandhigay in Soomaaliya loo qaybin doona Itoobiya iyo Kenya

Waxaa isku soo dubaridey: Jaamac Ismaaciil Dharbaaxo


Wargeyska sida weyn ee loo akhristo ee ka soo baxa Kenya, Daily Nation ayaa waxa uu cadadkiisii (Oct 3, 2008) ku soo bandhigay qormo uu soo diyaariyey nin qoraa ah, taasoo lagu faaleeyey xaalada Soomaaliya xiligaan marayso iyo ujeedada qotada dheer ee dalalka deriska la ah ka leeyihiin dalkaasi.

Donald B.Kipkorir oo isagu isku soo dubariday qoraalkaasi,kuna daabacay qaybta aaraahda ee Wargeyska ayaa waxa uu hadalkiisa hordhac uga dhigay qalalaasaha dhaqaale ee ka taagan caalamka, isagoo tusaale u soo qaatay Bangiyo badan oo dalka Mareykanka laga lahaa oo kacay iyo jahwareerka maaliyeed ee hareeyey suuqyada caalamka, wuxuuna tilmaamay iyadoo taasi taagan tahay inay burcad badeed meel u dhow Biyaha Soomaaliya Markab siday 33 Taangi oo noocoodu yahay T-72. qafaasheen.

Qoraaga ayaa sheegay inay Markabkaasi ku hareeraysan yihiin Maraakiib dagaal oo ay leeyihiin dalka Mareykanka iyo Raashka, hase yeeshee ay dhacdaasi soo xasuusisay xiligii xal loo heli lahaa mashaakilka Soomaaliya, waxa uuna sheegay laga soo bilaabo 1960kii inaysan wax dawlad ah ka jirin Soomaaliya, islamarkaasna uu hoy u noqday argagixiso iyo burcad badeed, isagoo tilmaamay in qabsashada markabkan ay xaalad walwal leh iyo cabsi ku abuurtay Washington,Nairobi iyo Khartoum.

“Waxaan si xamaasad ku jirto u taageersanahay qorshaha istiraatijiyadeed ee arrimaha dibeda, xitaa hadii ay cadaawad noo samaynayso ka timaada Xukuumadaha ku dhisan xaqdiga ee Khartoum ka mid tahay, islamarkaasna in la taageero dawladda Koofurta Sudan ay tahay dano istiritaajiyadeed oo mustaabalka fog ah ,waana inaan arrintaas laga xishoon, waxaana dhabtu tahay inuu Reer galbeedku isbahaysi la yahay Kenya, sidaas darteedna Nairobi tahay mid ka mid Cadawga dalalka Carbeed, iyadoo ay ku jirto Sudan, ayuu yiri Donald.

"Kenya iyo Itoobiya waxaa waajib ku ah oo ay tahay in ay sameeyaan waa in ay kala furfuraan Soomaaliya oo kala qaysadaan iyaga oo ka kala qaybinaya loolka 4 degree, oo ay kala qaataan inta ka saraysa iyo inta ka hooseysa loolkaas. Kala qaybintaasi waxay labada dal mid kasta dhulkoodu ku siyaadieynaa qiyaastii 300,000sq km iyo tiro dad ah oo qiyaastii ah 5 million" sidaas waxaa yiri DONALD KIPKORIR.

FG: Loolka 4 (degree) qiyaastii waxa uu maraa magaalooyinka Luuq, Xudur, Tayeeglow, Buulobarde iyo Ceeldheer oo u dhow badweynta Hindiya

Donald Kipkorir ayaa waxa uu shaaca ka qaaday in la boobo dhulka Soomaaliyeed, islamarkaasna la kala qaybiyo tahay qorshahooda fog ee xambaarsan danahooda, isagoo tilmaamay in arrintaas lagu dhaqaaqo xiligan oo dhaqaalihii adduunku cakiran yahay, wuxuuna ku adkaystay inay Soomaaliya tahay dal magac ahaan Mapka adduunka ku yaal, tusaalena la soo qaadan karo u yahay dal ku fashilmay inuu noqdo qaran dawlad l'a, islamarkaasna uu u kala furfurmay qaybiyo qaybiyo xornimo ku dhawaaqay iyo meelo qabiil qabiil hoose ka taliyaan, iyadoo 90ka wasiir ee haatan dhisan ku qotomaan beelo.

Isagoo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa waxa uu xusay inaysan Soomaaliya ka jirin dawlad dhex oo shaqaynaysa , islamarkaasna waxa loogu yeero TFGda ee uu hoggaamiyo C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ku kooban tahay Xerada Madaxtooyada oo loo geysto duqeyn rasaas oo argagax xambaarsan, mana jiraan ayuu yiri ninkani ciidan qaran oo dhisan xitaa difiic ha ahaadeene iyo weliba nadaam sharci ah, sidaas darteedna marka arrimaha la soo sheegay la raadraaco Soomaaliya tahay god madaw marka laga hadlayo sharciga caalamka, iyadoo ku biirtay dalalka Afghanistan iyo Pakistan oo loo yaqaan inay yihiin xarumo tababar iyo hoy argagixisada caalamku leedahay.


Eeg Khariidada oo weyn (

Kenya waxay dhibaato ka soo gaartay falal argagixiso, waxaana burbur ku sigtay dhaqaalihii laga heli jiray dalxiiska, waxaana jirta inaysan Kenya mar kale awoodin weerar kale, iyadoo ay muuqdaan tartan dhanka dalxiiska ah oo aan kula jirno dalka Masar iyo Koofurta Afrika, laakiin guulo la taaban karo ma soo hoyin karno hadii Soomaaliya ku sii socoto dawlad la’aanta ay tahay.

Donald oo qoraalkani diyaariyey ayaa waxa uu sheegay inay Soomaaliya xuduud la wadaagto dalalka Kenya, Itoobiya iyo Jabuuti, hase yeeshee Kenya iyo Itoobiya oo kaliya dano gaar ah ka leeyihiin Soomaaliya, islamarkaasna Jabuuti tahay dal yar oo xitaa aan dadkiisa oo dhan 600,000 u heli Karin biyo ay cabaan, laguna qasbay inay biyo ka soo gataan Faransiiska ama gataan Coca Cola, sidaas darteedna Jabuuti aysan ku jirin su’aasha ah xal kama dambays ah oo loo helo mashaakilka Soomaaliya.

“Kenya iyo Itoobiya waa inay kala furfuraan, islamarkaasna qaybsadaan Soomaaliya dhexdooda,waxayna qaybsashada dhulka Soomaaliya ka dhigaysaa inay balaariyaan deegaankooda, iyagoo heli doona dhul dhan 300,000sq km iyo dad shan milyan ah, waana inay Itoobiya iyo Kenya ciidamo u diraan Soomaaliya,kuna dhawaaqaan inay labo u qaybsadeen dalkaasi” ayuu yiri qoraagu.

Mar uu ka hadlayey Xildhibaanada iyo Dawladda FKMG ah ee loogu yeeray Nairobi ayaa waxa uu sheegay Donald in sanadkii 1845tii Mareykanku Mexico ka dhacay gobolka Texas, ayna arrintaas u ansixiyeen xildhibaanadii xiligaas gobolkaasi matalayey, islamarkaasna Itoobiya iyo Kenya wadaan qorshe midkaas la mid ah, oo Xildhibaanada KMG ah laga doonayo inay si deg deg ah qalanka ugu duugaan qorshaha lagu qaybsanayo dalkooda.

Soomaaliya waxaa ku duugaan khayraad dihin sida Shidaal, gaaska dabiiciga ah, yurunayam iyo bir,waxaana marka la boobo dhulkaasi u yeeran doonaa saaxiibada istiraatijiyadeed, mana ahan Shiinaha si ay u yimaadaan oo noogu baaraan kheyraadkaas, waana inay ogaadaan Kenyanku buu yiri in inkastoo Soomaaliya dawlad la,aan tahay, hadana heerka nolosha dadka Soomaaliya ka duwan tahay tan kenyanka oo qofka Soomaaliga ay soo gasho $600 oo doolar,una dhiganta KSh40,000, halka qofka Kenyanka kasbado $550 oo u dhiganta Ksh36,800,waxayna dhinaca aqoonta kaga jiraan kaalin wax ku ool ah, iyagoo daruuf adag ku shaqaynaya oo ay waardiyeeyaan maleeshiyooyin hubaysan, 3 ka mid ah Jaamacadaha Soomaaliya boqolka u horreeya bay ka galeen qiimayn lagu sameeyey Jaamacadaha Africa.

Ugu dambayn Donald Kipkorir ayaa qormadaasi ku soo gabagabeeyey in hadii aan hadeer Soomaaliya dhulkeeda la boobin oo la kala qaybsan dhibaato ka soo gaari doono Kenya dalkaas dawlad la,aanta ah , islamarkaasna ka liidan doonaan, wuxuuna yiri "ma gaari karno qorshaheena istiraatijiyeed ee dibada ee Gobolka ama ma gaari doono aragtideena sanadka 2030, waxaana la joogaa wakhtigii Soomaaliya lakala furfuri lahaa oo la qaybsan lahaa, waa xiligaan aan joogno, Washington iyo Moscow waa soo dhaweyn doonaan arrintaas, ayuu yiri Kipkorir.

Kenya ma Badda Soomaaliyeed ayey Shidaal Ka Qodaneysaa? - Jan 2007

Devastating Refutation of the Kipkorir Warlike Paranoia by Somali Patriotic Intellectuals

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis October 06, 2008

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin MegalommatisOrientalist, Historian, Political Scientist, Dr. Megalommatis, 51, is the author of 12 books, dozens of scholarly articles, hundreds of encyclopedia entries, and thousands of articles. He speaks, reads and writes more than 15, modern and ancient, languages. He refuted Greek nationalism, supported Martin Bernal’s Black Athena, and rejected the Greco-Romano-centric version of History. He pleaded for the European History by J. B. Duroselle, and defended the rights of the Turkish, Pomak, Macedonian, Vlachian, Arvanitic, Latin Catholic, and Jewish minorities of Greece. Born Christian Orthodox, he adhered to Islam when 36, devoted to ideas of Muhyieldin Ibn al Arabi.

Greek citizen of Turkish origin, Prof. Megalommatis studied and/or worked in Turkey, Greece, France, England, Belgium, Germany, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Egypt and Russia, and carried out research trips throughout the Middle East, Northeastern Africa and Central Asia. His career extended from Research & Education, Journalism, Publications, Photography, and Translation to Website Development, Human Rights Advocacy, Marketing, Sales & Brokerage. He traveled in more than 80 countries in 5 continents. He defends the Right of Aramaeans, Oromos, Ogadenis, Sidamas, Berbers, Darfuris, and Bejas to National Independence, demands international recognition for Kosovo, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and Transnistria, calls for National Unity in Somalia, and denounces Islamic Terrorism.

A matter of terms, of methods, of concepts; this makes the difference between a Somali Diaspora Intellectual and a Monstrous Kenyan Gangster who impersonates a "lawyer".

What does it truly matter if you´ve got your God-damned Bachelor´s Degree only to dare write shameful articles that consist in sheer rejection of what your professors taught you in the Faculty of Law?

Should perhaps a more serious demarche be undertaken against the perfidious and lawless Kipkorir who is a shame for the Nairobi Bar?

How long can a "lawyer", who openly rejects all principles of International Law, be accepted as member in a respectful Bar?

Shall we start considering the Kenyan barristers as getting their academic courses in the vast African jungle, next to the rhinos, the hyenas, the crocodiles, and all the deleterious reptiles that inhabit the Kenyan mountains, plains and valleys?

Don´t we already know that many venomous snakes wear nice jackets and expensive ties?

What do they think?

That by wearing a Trussardi or Carnaval de Venise tie they become much less of a snake?

I will refute point by point the provocative trash of text that the Kalenjin "lawyer" dared publish in a forthcoming article; here, I want to give space to a young Somali intellectual who has just published a comprehensive rebuke of the shadowy Kenyan lawyer´s militaristic proposals that can only suit the interests of the Kikuyu paramilitary gang that still rules Kenya – the ill-fated East African nation. I therefore republish his analysis integrally.

The Dismemberment of Somalia

My response to the article by Donald Kipkorir, in the Daily Nation of Kenya, called ´Why
Kenya and Ethiopia ought to annex and divide Somalia´. This article was published on Friday 3rd of October 2008.

This particular article can be found by following the link:

The ancient common law of the Somali people, despite its polycentric nature, has governed and regulated an ancient way of life on the Somali peninsula for well over a thousand years. In addition to the unique and ancient customs of the Somali people, one must remember the Shari´a Islam, a sophisticated and robust form of jurisprudence practiced all over the Somali peninsula.

The very idea of Kenyan strategic interest is based upon the assumption that the state of Kenya enjoys a degree of political and economic independence from the west. This is an erroneous assumption. It is quite clear, even to the most casual of observer, that the Kenya as an entity is a client state of the west. Therefore, the state of Kenya cannot be said to have definably strategic national interests that are, in any way, independent of western interests. This being the case, the dismemberment and annexation of Somalia can only be affected with the support and backing of the western powers.

Donald Kipkorir may choose to label certain Somali personalities as pirates, but it must be realized that the men in question call themselves the coastal guardians of Somalia. When considering the fact that Somalia has the longest coastline of all African nations, it is entirely reasonable that such a resource is guarded by a section of the Somali community. The practices, and exploits of the men who guard the national coast of Somalia are entirely legitimate, because the waters that these men protect are universally considered to be Somali national waters.

There has never been so much as a single shred of evidence, presented anywhere in the world, to prove that the Somali national territory has ever been a haven for terrorists of any description. The idea that Somalia is a haven of terrorism is baseless in the extreme. Furthermore, the tenuous nature of the perceived links between terrorism and people of who follow one religion in particular does not help anyone. On the other hand, the state of Kenya, due to the fact that the horrific events of 1998 happened in Nairobi, must be considered the classic example of a haven for terrorists. Surely a haven for terrorism is a place where terrorists are able to conduct their evil deeds without fear of detection or interception. Kenya has been such a place in the past, what is to say that Kenya is not such a place in the present?

The state of Kenya does not represent an existential threat to any nation. And, the state of Kenya certainly does not represent an existential threat to any of the Arab nations. In addition to this, one must be mindful of the fact that Somalia is not an Arab nation by definition. Donald Kipkorir, in surely a cheap and deliberate attempt to confuse, betrays his ignorance on more than one occasion in his article.

The annexation of Somali national territory has been attempted in the past, by various invading armies, and on numerous occasions with little success. Land is the most sacred of material possessions for an agro-pastoral society like that of the Somali nation. Any attempt, by a foreign army, to interfere with the Somali way of life shall be resisted violently. This is the message that history teaches us, and Donald Kipkorir would do well to heed this message.

Somalia exists so long as there are Somali people living on the earth. The legal-rational construct that is known as the state of Kenya is manifestly feeble, and potentially transient, when rigorously tested by adversity, as was made abundantly clear after the Kenyan elections of December 2007.

The idea of dismembering Somalia is surely an involuntary admission, on the part of Donald Kipkorir, that Somalia exists as a nation. It may not resemble the façade that is the state of Kenya, but the Somali nation exists and must be respected, especially by neighboring countries. No amount of legal-rationalism can hide the fact that Donald Kipkorir, and those who have similar ideas, when they speak about the dismemberment of Somalia, are contemplating a crime.

Throughout history, the Somali people have consistently rejected the concept of the legal-rational state, as exemplified by the annexation of Texas in 1845, a case cited by Donald Kipkorir in his article. The western model of the legal-rational state is alien to the Somali people, and to all African people for that matter. The western model of the legal-rational state is the same model that gave the world Slavery, Apartheid, The Berlin Wall, and the global financial meltdown of September 2008. Donald Kipkorir should take a good look at himself, and perhaps he should ask himself in which direction the true, and strategic, national interest of the state of Kenya are to be found.

Picture: In Kalenjin language, "Kipkorir" means "the shameless smile that kills".

By: Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

Somali Commentator Adam Zayla Ridicules Lawless Kenyan Lawyer Kipkorir´s Militaristic Proposals

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

October 06, 2008

In an article entitled ´Panicked Consultants Fuel Islamic Terror Expansion throughout Africa – the Kipkorir Ricochet´

(, I explored the reasons for which Donald Kipkorir, an otherwise shadowy Kenyan lawyer and parasitic gambler, published a shameful text that opposes all concepts and rules of International Law that the lawyer in question should have first studied and second adopted.

The dependence on the Kikuyu militaristic gangs that control the Kenyan army and the paramilitary (the backbone of the dictatorial regime of the ill-fated East African country) prove indeed to be the reason for such a text (republished with my analysis).

Pending my refutation of the paranoid text that reveals only panic and ignorance, I will republish a pertinent rebuttal that an astute Somali commentator, Mr. Adam Zeyla, felt obliged to immediately elaborate and widely publish.

There is more to it, as the lawless lawyer´s friends reacted with threats and insults that help better reveal their ominous face; but this will be the topic of a separate article. For the time being, I was to express my congratulations to Mr. Adam Zayla, and hope that the panicked Kenyan ´authorities´ read twice his down-to-earth analysis.

Kenya's and Ethiopia's Fragile Glass Houses

By Adam Zayla

Amongst others:

As I was doing my usual google session in search of news on Somalia, I came across a very amusing article entitled " Why Kenya and Ethiopia ought to annex and divide Somalia" written by Donald B. Kipkorir who advocates as the title suggest the annexation of Somalia by Kenya and Ethiopia. The article is a poor patch work of misinformation and delusional grandeur. I personally feel it's important to bring Mr Kipkorir safely back to earth with a healthy dose of reality. The objective of this reply is to demonstrate how on multiple levels this deluded so-called solution to the Somali problem proposed by Mr Kipkorir has no chance of ever materializing and why Kenya and Ethiopia despite having had the chance to do so never attempted to annex Somalia since the collapse of the Somali government and the disintegration of the Somali army. Prior to the collapse of the former and the disintegration of the latter, both Somali institutions for decades were
Ethiopia's and Kenya's worst nightmares. Fearing Somali military power both countries even the decided to sign a joint defense-pact in the 1970s. One therefore wonders why Kenya and Ethiopia after the death of both of these Somali institutions didn't simply walk into Somalia and implemented Mr Kipkorir's brilliant plan. The reason is very simple; they didn't because of the shaky foundations both countries themselves are build on. Kenya and Ethiopia despite having governments and a unlimited flow of western aid continue to walk on thin ice when it comes to their disgruntled ethnic groups and any policy that's not decided or supported by Washington has a zero percent chance of succeeding Ethiopia and Kenya's nightmare scenario; disintegration along ethnic lines
A civil war similar to what happened in Somalia in the early 90's in either Kenya or Ethiopia will be the end of both countries. Somalia had it's civil war - and is currently experiencing turmoil courtesy of the United States
- but it's still not the end of Somalia. Even if all the many peaceful Somali regions in Somalia today became their own independent states, somewhere down the line when stability arrives to other sections of the country (which happened during the ICU period) it wouldn't take long before the union of the now independent and internationally recognized break away countries of old Somalia were re-integrated in a New Somalia especially when all the previous minor indifferences and mistakes of the past were settled. But for Kenya and Ethiopia a civil war resulting in all these different countries (currently held prison due to colonial interference) breaking free will mean they will never EVER return to their previous status i.e. part of either Kenya or Ethiopia. Eritrea is a good example of this; Ethiopia brutally annexed Eritrea in the 1960s and had decades to provide the Eritrean people with positive signs of development but because of the arrogance and superiority complex of the Ethiopian regime the Eritreans saw their situation and standard of living going backwards and so they decided to fight for their well deserved right for self determination. Today's Eritrea regardless what one might say of it's government is a progressing country with a young and optimistic population that is doing much better without Ethiopia and because of this will never EVER even entertain the thought of uniting with Ethiopia. Somalia on the other hand; if it's peaceful regions such as Puntland, Somaliland and other states were to become their own countries (as I noted before) the prospect of a new Union is far higher here than a new union for a disintegrated and collapsed Kenya or Ethiopia. Many of the ministers of these Somali States were part of the Pan-Somalist regimes of Somalia and therefore still have a soft spot for the Greater Somalia concept and same goes for their populations.

Let's start with Ethiopia a country full of ethnic armies with secessionist aspirations and large parts of the country have basically become war zones. In their quest to defeat the military state of Ethiopia these liberation armies represent legitimate oppressed countries such as Oromia, Sidama, the Afar and Ogaden regions that are currently locked up in the backwards prison called Ethiopia. These countries in a new Ethiopian civil war would follow the same path as Eritrea and would be gone forever once the prison doors are opened - either voluntarily or through force. Kenya has it's own inter-ethnic problems which made headlines world wide. Innocent people burned in churches, thousands of people killed and hacked to death, 200 thousand people displaced. One wonders how such unstable countries could ever solve Somalia's problems when there own problems are just as severe if not worse. Somalia has nothing to lose, all that could go wrong, went wrong and still Somalia has not and will not after a decade of Anarchy suffer the same destiny as a future Anarchy Kenya or an Anarchy Ethiopia would suffer - which could happen anytime of the year. Their many disgruntled and marginalized ethnic groups currently waging war is evidence of how fast the scenario of widespread Anarchy in both Kenya and Ethiopia could materialize into reality once the wealthy wells of the West have dried up.
Potential reality or simply a Pipedream?

This ridiculous article that was written by Mr Donald Kipkorir - who is trying very hard to emulate his western masters by attempting to walk in shoes to big for him - gives the impression that both Ethiopia and Kenya have the necessary resources to occupy Somalia. Nothing could be further from the truth. Both are extremely poor countries. Even with western support occupying Somalia is a pipe dream. Half of Ethiopia's current invading army that was nurtured and funded by the United States is buried in Somali soil and with all it's US military hardware it still cannot control a few neighborhoods in Mogadishu let alone Somalia. The Islamist army on the other hand is currently reigning supreme in Southern Somalia and is becoming stronger as each day passes by. How could the small and poorly equipped Kenyan army ever succeed where the heavily western backed Ethiopian army failed? Then you have Puntland and Somaliland who have their own military forces equipped with excellent Soviet military hardware such as Tanks and anti-aircraft from the now disintegrated military of Somalia, with a combined army size of 40-50 thousand men. How could Kenya that can't even cope with the Ethiopian military raids in Moyale, the Shiftas in the Northeastern region ever secure Somalia? How could Kenya that could not protect it's citizens from brutal hacking sprees during the election crisis and today still cannot protect hard working Kenyan merchants from the Munguki Mafia that is roaming free - ever secure a country like Somalia? This proposed annexation of Somalia could backfire terribly and see both Kenya and Ethiopia completely disintegrate and parts of it's territory swallowed up by Somalia. Another interesting question regarding Kenya is; what would the reaction be of high ranking Somali officers in the Kenyan army? Would Kenya's minister of defense who himself is a Somali tolerate such a suicide mission? Kenya was saved many times over the last decades from a horrible civil war due to the actions of a 'loyal' Somali officer case in point being; Major General Mahmoud saving Kenyan President Moi from a coup d' etat in the 1980s. This loyalty would disappear instantly if Mr Kipkorir's plan was actually realized and this loss of Somali loyalty could have severe consequences to Kenya's future as a country.

What do Kenya or Ethiopia have to offer to Somalia economically?

Now that the military aspect of the proposed annexation has been refuted and utterly destroyed, let's just put that aside and just play along with Mr Kipkorir's pipe dream and imagine that both Kenya and Ethiopia have successfully annexed Somalia. Are Ethiopia and Kenya capable of feeding the population of Somalia and have they found a solution for their own immense food shortages? Facts on the ground look grim and both Ethiopia and Kenya are not self sufficient countries but rely heavily on foreign aid and subsidies from wealthy western countries to feed their populations and in Kenya's case most of the meat and agricultural products consumed there comes from Somalia. Somali livestock projection to Kenya saw an increase of 600 percent after the collapse of Kenya's domestic livestock market( so who's feeding who?). In the critically acclaimed economic paper entitled Somalia After State Collapse it is highlighted how Somalia's nomadic population fared much better than Kenya's nomadic population during periods of drought. Kenya's herders saw more then half of their livestock perish in drought. Again how could any sane person even dare to suggest Kenya which cannot support it's own nomadic and urban citizens - to annex it's neighbor Somalia that actually manages to take care of it's own population? Shouldn't Mr Kipkorir be more concerned with the fact that Kenya with all it's patron Western donors and with no serious war raging is still failing to provide for the nomadic Masai population, the Turkana population, the Somali population, the Borana population and the Kalenjin population within its borders?
Do both countries have anything to offer to the citizens of Somalia and is the standard of living in Kenya and Ethiopia higher than that of Somalia? facts on the ground again say a firm NO!; Somalia has a higher GDP per capita than Ethiopia. In the aforementioned paper, Somalia After State Collapse, Somalia is compared to 42 African countries where the economists eventually come to the conclusion that Somalia has made greater progress than most African countries with governments in the last decade and it's standard of living generally improved Somalia is the only country in East Africa to have increased it's life expectancy (only 3 countries in Africa managed to do this). Off all the countries in the Horn of Africa Somalia has the most universities in the top 100 of Africa. Somalia has the lowest HIV rate in Sub Saharan Africa which stands in stark contrast to Kenya and Ethiopia who are both suffering from AIDS epidemics. Somalia is far ahead of
Kenya and Ethiopia when it comes to Telecommunications. Ethiopia a nation of 80 million people only has 100 thousand internet subscribers compared to the 10 million strong Somalia that has 500 thousand internet subscribers.[18] In Somalia it only takes three days to get a landline installed compared to Kenya where this process can take years.
But what about the refugees fleeing Somalia and it's impact on Kenya? well they have no other choice due to the wars instigated by western powers securing their own personal interests by arming warlords. These refugees return as soon as stability arrives in the regions they hail from as we have seen with the return of Somalis to stable regions such as Somaliland and Puntland and the Islamist take over in 2006 which saw a large influx of both expats and Somalis internally displaced during the 1990s returning to the capital. The current Islamist advance that's crippling the Ethiopian army and as a result directly frustrating the United States Africa Command plans on Somalia means it will take some time before stability resembling the brief period of ICU rule in 2006 returns and therefore people will continue to flee and southern Somalia will remain a hotspot. But Kenya has nothing to complain about; these same refugees are fueling the Kenyan economy. Somalis from
Somalia have turned the previous slum called Eastleigh into a wealthy commercial center in Nairobi that according to experts is becoming Kenya's biggest entrepot for commerce and trade.
Kenya and Ethiopia have neither the military capability nor the economic self sufficiency to occupy or annex Somalia hence the whole concept being a pipedream. Kenya and Ethiopia face inter-ethnic strife that when fueled by a third party could turn into a ugly full blown civil war that could see both countries go the way of Yugoslavia or the more recent example being; the Soviet Union. With most of East Africa today being dependent on Somali merchants it's not hard to put two and two together and process who this third party might be. Kenya and Ethiopia in many sectors perform poorly compared to Somalia and policies that could see progress in these sectors and uplift the living standards of the average citizens of Kenya and Ethiopia are legitimate subjects Mr Kipkorir should write about.

The following popular saying is a very fitting end to this article: "Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house".