I examined the common circumstances that China and Turkey mutually experienced repeatedly during the 19th and the 20th centuries because both countries were persistently targeted by the colonial powers England and France.

I then examined China´s and Turkey´s common experience and historical evolution. I questioned the use of the long lasted US – Turkish ´friendship´ that turned out to be an ineffective alliance, an evident liability, and an insupportable burden for Turkey. I subsequently identified possible threats and challenges for China and Turkey, and specified feasible targets for both countries´ leadership to set for themselves.

In the present article, I will examine the magnificent scope of the unavoidable Chinese – Turkish partnership that can put an end to three (3) centuries of Freemasonic Anglo-French Colonialism.

The Groundbreaking Objectives of the Chinese – Turkish – Islamic Alliance

There is a basic truth that no one can deny; a very bitter truth for the historical role of both, China and Turkey (- Ottoman Empire, as the leading force of the Islamic World). The truth is that in fact for all the Chinese and for all the Muslims of the world, we don´t live in ….. the year 2008.

For the Chinese calendar, we live in the year 4706, which is the Year of the Earth Rat. For all Muslims, the current Islamic Year is 1429 of the Hejr (AH – Anno Hegirae) calendar.

This already means that approximately 45% of the world population have been forced or induced to adopt as basic system of social organization and time periodization another, Western European, system that did not reflect their values, traditions, principles and Weltanschauung.

In fact, this is the very dark side of colonialism, a vast phenomenon of monstrous and evil Western European invention and implementation that only slightly is attested at the economic, political and military levels, as it predominantly affects the cultural, behavioural, spiritual, intellectual, theoretical, philosophical, moral, religious and mental levels.

This is the summarization of all colonial endeavours and projects: the peremptory projection of values, traditions, principles and Weltanschauung shared by few marginal peoples – who were living in a small part of the world (Spain, Portugal, Holland, France, England at the end of the 15th century) and were not the world leaders in Science, Knowledge, Arts, Letters, Philosophy and Socioeconomic development (the Islamic World and China were more advanced) – on all the other nations through a process that involved the most immoral, the most perfidious, the most merciless, and the most inhuman treatment of all the rest – those who were targeted to adopt the projected system by force and then become its slaves.

Turkey and China, being in parts of their territories the only countries of the world that were not (at least totally) colonized, will never be able to prevail and implement their values and vision – even on the territories that belong to them, namely the Islamic and the Chinese worlds in their entity –, if they fail to perceive their concerted action within the correct anti-colonial context, namely that of the total rejection of the colonial order at all levels, not only the economic, the political and the military.

In fact, the aforementioned percentage (45%) represents ca. 3.2 billion people, i.e. the figure that is the result of the mere addition of the world´s Muslim and Chinese populations. It goes without saying that the percentage of the colonized people can reach an extremely high figure if we add other colonized nations in Asia (notably Hindu India), Africa (the non Muslim part of it), America (Mexico, Central and South America), Eastern Europe (notably Russia – culturally colonized in force by the authoritarian rule of Peter I against the will of the outright majority of the Russians), and Oceania.

China and Turkey (as representative of the Islamic World) must progressively gain to their Cause all these populations and this approach should be reflected in every point of their concerted action and alliance.

Today´s Islam: an Undetected Colonial Creature

For China and Turkey to gather the support and the commitment of the colonized (and still unconscious of the extent of the fact) nations of the world, the two countries have first to gain the support and the commitment of the entire Islamic world, the world´s Muslims who have been the unconscious victims of the Western European perfidy.

Certainly, one can find millions of Muslims who pretend (and even at times seem) to be aware of the reality of the Dar al Islam having been colonized. This is utterly wrong, and all these Muslims fail to truly understand the aforementioned dimensions of the colonization project.

A Colonial Scheme Projected onto the Islamic World

In fact, the entire Islamic world with the exception of Turkey (thanks only to Kemal Ataturk) has been entrapped in a most sophisticated scheme, according to which the military, political and economic evidence of colonialism throughout the Islamic lands demands immediate response from the part of the Muslims – a response that can be anything from Qadhafi´s reaction to participate in the Mediterranean Union to Ossama Bin Laden´s call for a Jihad against the West.

In fact, by accepting the logic of the aforementioned approach (which has been projected on the Muslims without them detecting and perceiving it), the Muslims embark on a ´war´ lost before its start.

The reason is simple; the Islamic World has not been affected only at the military, political and economic levels. The colonial phenomenon brought forth disastrously undetected developments at all levels: cultural, behavioural, spiritual, intellectual, theoretical, philosophical, moral, religious and mental.

Because the Muslims failed to detect the colonial corruption that affected them in all these levels, even their reaction shaped at these levels is preconfigured, preordered and predestined to suit the Western colonial needs of further decomposition of the Islamic World´s corpse.

The decomposition has already advanced, taking all forms of detrimental negativism matched with cultural, behavioural, spiritual, intellectual, theoretical, philosophical, moral, religious and mental impotence or rather apathy.

Colonial Flattery for the Carrion Islam

In fact, the lack of an authentic theoretical composition at the antipodes of the Western European colonial fraud is counterbalanced (by the ruling Freemasonic class of the colonial establishments) with hypocritical compliments for the intelligence of an isolated Pakistani nuclear scientist, a solitary Turkish author, a devious and heretic Indian Muslim, an Egyptian professor of cardiothoracic surgery, other similar solitary cases, plus the supposed marvels of Dubai, Brunei, and Qatar, the underwater marvels of the Red Sea, the picturesque Nile feluccas, the wrecked homosexual cosmopolitanism of Mamounia at Marrakesh, and the urbane vicissitude of the Freemason president of Turkey.

Anything inconsequential became the reason of Western exaltation and eulogy of the Islamic carrion. And even this has been undetected by the ´Islamic´ elites´ lethargy and inanity.

Today´s Islam: Incompatible with China´s Aspirations

This situation is utterly incompatible with the needs of China for world predominance; the statement does emanate from mere detection of colonial projects related to the use of the Islamic carrion against China (in the same way it happened against Soviet Union in Afghanistan) or from anticipation of colonial indirect involvement in Eastern Turkistan (through mobilization of the pseudo-Muslim Wahhabite Saudi Arabian secret services).

The aforementioned statement mostly reflects the interpretation of past developments and the anticipation of future events in vast parts of the Islamic World that the Anglo-French colonial establishment wants to keep as inaccessible to, incomprehensible by, and irreconcilable with China (Middle East, Central Asia, India, Indochina).

Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire: Principal Reason of Islamic Terrorism

It will be essential for China to seize the reality expressed at a fleeing moment of colonial sincerity; writing at a time when critical developments (like the issue of the ´War against the Islamic Terrorism´) had not taken place, Prof. Huntington (famous because of his semi-truth presented under the form of the concept of ´Clash of Civilization´) confirmed that the principal reason of instability and threat emanating from the Islamic World (against other parts of the world) is the lack of a strong nucleus – state in this sphere of cultural identity (as it was the Ottoman Empire).

The Western colonial enmity against the Islamic Caliphate (: Ottoman Empire) has been attributed to various reasons in the past; from mere Christian anti-Islamism to colonial search for natural resources to exploit in remote parts of the world.

However, viewing the whole subject retrospectively, and with the recent events that consist in grave threat for the security of the Western World (9/11, etc.), we realize that the entire endeavour (the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) consisted in the implementation of the early stages of a vast Freemasonic project of messianic and eschatological dimensions that is geared to end up with complete annexation of the entire Middle East by the colonial powers.

This will take place, following the forthcoming all-out wars, the elimination of large parts of indigenous populations (in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Arabia, Egypt and Iran) and their replacement with Western European populations transferred in the area at a far larger scale than the post-WW II Jewish Exodus from Central and Eastern Europe).

The plan is of such dimensions that, if materialized, it will bring forth - in the process - the demolition of Turkey and end up with the definite cancellation of the Chinese aspirations for supremacy.

This is the reason that through concerted action, China must set up a political and military alliance with Turkey, and subsequently get more involved in the Middle East and help Turkey rise as a new Secular "Ottoman Empire" – strong nucleus of an Islamic World in full mutation.

In fact, the project would be just useless, if it did not imply the diffusion of a new, secular Islam among the world´s Muslims, and first in the parts of the Middle East that must become provinces of Turkey again and then undergo a great social – educational – academic – cultural – intellectual – theoretical – philosophical – moral – behavioural – spiritual – religious (this is meant within Islam – involving a reinterpretation) – mental change.

The Turkish – Islamic – Chinese alliance is a project that can change the entire world and end three (3) centuries of Colonial Western European Freemasonic prevalence. In fact, it consists in a great number of parallel ongoing projects of short-, mid- and long-term objectives.

I will analytically describe them in forthcoming articles, but here it is essential to point out that at the cultural – behavioural – educational – academic – intellectual level it signifies the irrevocable cancellation of the (conceived by the West) fake opposition "Islamic conservatism / extremism vs. Western World" and its replacement by the genuine confrontation "Reassessed Oriental Enlightenment vs. Corrupt / Inhuman West".


China and Islam – A relationship able to change the world and help China ascend as undisputed global superpower, through China´s support to Turkey´s reassertion as the main Islamic state and re-injection of secular and humanist values among the manipulated and unconscious (of the Western infiltration) masses of Muslims

Picture: http://flickr.com/photos/97695441@N00/257719754

During our free time (from the tour group) in Xian, Rob and I visited the Great Mosque. It was a beautiful and peaceful place. The grounds were so well looked after, and very green. This mosque had a real Chinese character and is very different to Arabic mosques. It was nice to see the Chinese and Islamic mix in one place. It was so quiet and calm there, we wished we could have stayed longer.

Facts from wikipedia about the Great Mosque:

The Great Mosque of Xi'an, located near the Drum Tower (Gu Lou) on Huajue Lane of Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China, is one of the oldest and most renowned mosques in the country.

First built in the Tang Dynasty (reign of Emperor Xuanzong, 685-762), at the eastern end of the Silk Road, and subsequentially renovated in later periods (especially during the reign of Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty), it remains one of the most important tourist sites of Xi'an, and is still used by Chinese Muslims (particularly the Hui people) today as a place of worship. Unlike most of the mosques in the Middle East and Arab countries, the Great Mosque of Xi'an is completely Chinese in its construction and architectural style, as the mosque has neither domes or minarets, except some Arabic lettering and decorations.